About Us
I work at a desk, and spend my weekdays in a corporate job locked into conference calls, emails, and deadlines. On the weekends I like to get outside into nature to relax, but while North Texas offers quite a few places to explore, not all of them are well known or perhaps worth the effort. If you are looking for adventure in North Texas but not sure where to go, North Texas Trails is here to help!
Most locals are aware of White Rock Lake, the Trinity Trails, or Cedar Ridge Preserve as places to get outdoors, but there are many other options available in the area to explore! Even a short drive outside of town brings you to the LBJ Grasslands by Decatur, or Cameron Park in Waco. If you are itching for something different, you can head a bit further out to Dinosaur Valley or Tyler State Park for new adventures.
North Texas Trails can help you find more outdoor destinations, with an eye on what’s you will find across the area. Here you can not only locate where the trails are, but also find reviews and pictures of each trail. Don’t waste your valuable weekend time going to a trail that may not be what you want. Each trail review will inform you about what the trail is like, how long it is, and provide pictures so you’ll have an idea of what to expect.
Want to contact us? You can email at: NorthTexasTrails@gmail.com